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Dec 21, 2023

It’s Year End! Donate Your Foreign Currency

Perspective from over 30 years of fund-raising experience

The busyness of the season is probably hitting a climax at this time. Shopping almost done, food purchased, a few days off and the schedule for the next 10 or so days is in place. As various traditions are being celebrated during this season, many people will be traveling to visit family and friends. Others may be traveling to simply enjoy a vacation and a time of relaxation. Perhaps a trip to a warmer climate in a foreign country. This is the season of celebration and reflection for many people and their families.

Along with traveling, other people may simply be staying home and after the gifts are distributed comes the chore or task of cleaning up. Many people see Boxing Day – after the heading out for the sales – as a time to perhaps do some reorganizing, decluttering and a time to make room for the gifts received. As part of the cleaning or purging process or in the aftermath of travelling, there inevitability will be some leftover foreign currency.

Did you know? In Canada, there is currently over $2 Billion in Foreign Currency available. This currency, both coins and bank notes are stored in homes and offices with no real purpose or value. Where do you keep your foreign currency? Do you have any plans to use this currency in the future?

It was in the past very difficult to “cash in” or exchange leftover foreign currency, especially the coins. Banks and currency exchanges will generally not accept all currency from other countries. Only certain types and denominations of bank notes are usually accepted. Now, there is an easy and rewarding way to donate your leftover foreign currency. It’s true, your donation can be dropped off or mailed in, and in turn you would be assisting a family, child, youth or senior – someone who is in need of extra assistance at this time. We don’t need to look too far to hear of or read about the desperate situation many of the people in our communities are now facing.

When your donation is repatriated and converted to currency you can make a significant impact by assisting others in need. Donate your leftover foreign currency today.

If you are seeking a charity to receive your donation, or if your charity of choice is not aware of Foreign Currency Collection Programs, please reach out our team at Global Coin Solutions (GCS) and we’ll ensure that your donation of any amount is processed and the funds are provided to assist a charity and non-profit of your choice. Please visit the GCS website for more information

It’s very clear, there are many people who will require your support and assistance during this season. It’s time to gather your leftover foreign currency and complete a donation.

Imagine for a moment, the social impact from over $2 Billion in donations. Millions of Canadians would be assisted through donations of leftover foreign currency.

Charities can begin benefitting from foreign currency donations… TODAY. The biggest hurdle facing the collection of Foreign Currency is that people are simply unaware that leftover Foreign Currency can be put to great use in their community. You can help start a Foreign Currency collection program by letting others know of the potential. You could start a campaign with your Service Club, fellow employees, family members, friends, neighbors, sports team, etc. Let people know that Foreign Currency Donations can assist local charities and help make our communities a better place to live for all.

Over the holiday season as you meet with family, friends, colleagues and new acquaintances… a great conversation topic could be: Did you know that leftover foreign currency can be used to make our communities a better place to live, survive and thrive for those who are less fortunate at this time?

Please accept my personal best wishes on behalf of the team at Global Coin Solutions, wishing you and your family a very Happy and Prosperous New Year in 2024. Help to make 2024 the year that everyone knows about the potential value and impact of donations of leftover foreign currency.

Don’t wait? Now is the time to start changing the world, one cent at a time.

For more information contact Dennis Ullman, Vice-President – Innovation and Development, Global Coin Solutions at or visit Global Coin Solutions today.



By Dennis Ullman 02 Jul, 2024
Perspective from over 30 years of experience successfully raising funds for charities. Its official, summer is here! HOORAY! A great time to visit, enjoy picnics, walks, swimming and of course… travelling . With kids now out of school for a couple months, many people take their vacation during the summer. Time to plan your vacation. Travel can require a trip to your local Currency Exchange, like Continental Currency Exchange , Global Currency Services , Ultimate Currency , Wellington Foreign Exchange , Foreign Currency Exchange Shop or Currency Convertors . There are other currency exchanges, but this group is a very special one. This group of currency exchanges supports a program that collects Leftover Foreign Currency. The program being supported is Currency for Kids . However, donations of foreign currency can help to support the charity of your choice as well. Yes, it is very easy. You can donate your leftover coins and bank notes, you know the ones not accepted by the banks or currency exchange. With every donation you are helping to support children and youth in communities across Ontario. Imagine that, something you might have thrown away, left in a bag or box… and forgotten about, can be put to great use. Now that’s EASY!! It’s easy for most people to enjoy the summer months, as long as you have air conditioning 😊. People often love the summer as they can travel, visit with family, enjoy a camp fire, attend festivals or concerts, go for ice cream and for some perhaps a quick dance in the rain is their choice. With so many people going on vacation, you may be missing your co-workers or perhaps you are wondering how can we stay in touch through the summer months? Many businesses love to have Employee Engagement activities to build team morale and keep the staff connected. This can be difficult during the summer months. Here is an EASY way to keep staff connected while helping the charity of your choice. How easy is it to begin a Foreign Currency Collection program? You simply let EVERYONE know that your business is collecting leftover foreign currency to support charity. After selecting your Charity of Choice , spread the news via email, newsletters, social media, family, friends, word of mouth, etc. Perhaps a contest would work. Prizes could be awarded to the employee, employee group or department that raises the most funds during the summer. Perhaps ending the contest during the week after Labour Day. Once the donations are collected, simply contact Global Coins Solutions and they will do the rest to ensure that the maximum donation is forwarded to your designated charity. Employee Engagement opportunities promote and support recycling, preservation of the environment while providing an opportunity for employees to support charity. This program does not have any expenses attached, no cost to host a program, no cost to employers, etc. Yes, this is so easy. A great way to stay in touch over the summer months. Perhaps biweekly updates are shared with staff to help determine who raises the most funds this summer and keep the competitive spirit alive… Once we realize the potential opportunity that donations of Leftover Foreign Currency have, we can help make our communities a better place for all. It’s time to give leftover Foreign Currency a significant purpose – helping those who need support. Time to organize a Staff Campaign! Donations of Foreign Currency can be directed to any charity of YOUR choice. Think about the needs of Food Banks, Housing/Shelters, Children, the fight against Human Trafficking, Seniors, Youth and New-comers to Canada. They could all use your support. “All Currency Is Accepted” regardless of the country of origin, denomination, amount or if it’s in or out of circulation. Don’t delay, it’s time to organize a campaign to collect leftover Foreign Currency. If you are seeking a charity for your donations , or if your charity of choice is not aware of Foreign Currency Collection Programs, reach out to the team at Global Coin Solutions (GCS) and be assured that your donation is processed and the funds are provided to assist the charity or non-profit of your choice. Donations can be mailed directly to GCS for processing or drop them off at a Foreign Currency Collection location . Visit the GCS website for more information . Submit donations today and start changing the world, one cent at a time. For more information contact Dennis Ullman, Vice-President (Volunteer) – Innovation and Development, Global Coin Solutions at or visit Global Coin Solutions today. GCS is celebrating 9 years of supporting charities throughout North America.
By Dennis Ullman 17 May, 2024
Often people think that Charities and non-profit organizations are always after the private sector to donate and support their mission. Yes, there is some truth to this as the charitable sector scrambles for support. Charities are challenged as government support decreases and the availability of financial donations from discretionary income become less and less frequent. With many people struggling, there is more pressure on charities to provide support (i.e., Food Banks) and less donations are being realized as people cope with increased interest rates, food prices, costs of housing, etc. There is a way for businesses and corporations to support charities and non-profits without breaking the bank on their marketing and sponsorship budget. As we initiate and develop healthy relationships between charity and the private sector, let’s consider an innovative method of generating funds. These relationships can begin as a simple campaign. Perhaps a Foreign Currency Collection program would be a good opportunity to “test the waters”, and see if there is genuine alignment between charity and business. One-way charities can encourage the private sector to support charities is through the development of Employee Engagement opportunities. Just like penny drives, or the donations of a Loonie for “Dress Down Fridays”. How about engaging and challenging employees to donate their leftover Foreign Currency? Currency is often left over from personal or business travels. Do you know people who often travel for pleasure or business? Ask them – what do you plan to do with your leftover currency? Along with boosting employee morale and assistance with team building, the collection of Leftover Foreign Currency can be a great time to discuss people’s culture, past travels, family heritage, etc. Employee Engagement opportunities can promote and support recycling, preservation of the environment while providing an opportunity for charity and business to work together. Based on a conservative estimate that each Canadian has approximately $50.00 available in leftover Foreign Currency. This totals over $2 Billion being available in Canada today. For a moment, imagine if a staff of 2 – 5 employees each brought in their leftover Foreign Currency. These donations would generate $100 - $250 for a charity. This could buy diapers for a new born baby, living with a single parent. How about if 10-15 employees hosted a campaign and raised over $750, this donation could help feed a small family who is relying on the local Food Bank for assistance. Let’s consider a staff of 50 – 75 employees, all donating their leftover Foreign Currency… the results would help fund a scholarship to assist a student who lives in poverty and is wanting to obtain a post-secondary education. For the larger corporations with 100+ staff, well over $5000 could result in a donation in support of a local charity that supports women who require shelter from an abusive situation. Once we realize the potential opportunity that donations of Leftover Foreign Currency have, we can help make our communities a better place for all. It’s time to give Leftover Foreign Currency that is currently serving no purpose, a significant purpose – helping to assist those who need support. Time to organize a Staff Campaign! It’s time to let everyone know that donations of Foreign Currency can make a positive impact to charities in Canada. Global Coin Solutions has been receiving, repatriating and distributing donations to many charity partners. DONATIONS of Foreign Currency can be directed to any charity of YOUR choice. Think about the needs of the local Food Bank, Housing issues, Shelters, Children, the fight against Human Trafficking, Seniors, Youth and New-comers to Canada. They could all use support. GIFTS of Foreign Currency will provide hope to people in our communities who are in desperate need of assistance. NOW WHAT? “All Currency Is Accepted” regardless of the country of origin, denomination, amount or if it’s in or out of circulation. Don’t delay… encourage your place of business to organize a campaign to collect leftover Foreign Currency. Make it a contest to see which department can raise the most funds. If you are seeking a charity for your donation , or if your charity of choice is not aware of Foreign Currency Collection Programs, reach out to the team at Global Coin Solutions (GCS) and be ensured that your donation is processed and the funds are provided to assist the charity or non-profit of your choice. Donations can be mailed directly to GCS for processing or drop them off at a foreign Currency Collection location . Visit the GCS website for more information . Submit donations today and start changing the world, one cent at a time. For more information contact Dennis Ullman, Vice-President (Volunteer) – Innovation and Development, Global Coin Solutions at or visit Global Coin Solutions today. GCS is celebrating 9 years of supporting charities throughout North America.
By Dennis Ullman 22 Apr, 2024
Perspective from over 30 years of experience successfully raising funds for charity. The weather is beginning to feel warmer and the sun is shining almost every day. Be sure to take a walk outside and see that spring is showing signs of new growth. For those who are not traveling as part of March Break, you may be looking forward to cleaning up around your home, garage, yard or business. As you begin the process of purging and decluttering while completing your spring cleaning, be sure to set aside your leftover Foreign Currency. For those who are wanting even warmer temperatures and have decided to travel during the break, be sure to save your leftover coins and bank notes from your trip. This Leftover currency can be donated to the charity of your choice after the Spring Break. DID YOU KNOW? The average household has approximately $60 in Leftover Foreign Currency that is currently serving no real purpose. People keep leftover foreign currency in the strangest places. Watch these videos to help remind you where your leftover currency may be found. YOUR DONATION of Leftover Foreign Currency will help those who are less fortunate in the community, who are struggling to make ends meet. Reflect on the needs of people who rely on community-based Food Banks or those who are living in vulnerable situations and are in need of safe and secure Housing . Donations can be directed to any charity of YOUR choice. YOUR GIFT of Leftover Foreign Currency, can provide the Gift of Hope for children, youth, seniors, families and newcomers to Canada. Imagine how much assistance would be provided if all Canadians donated their leftover Foreign Currency. Keeping in mind, there is over $2 Billion in available Foreign Currency and the flow of Foreign Currency continues to arrive in Canada every day. NOW WHAT? Begin by donating your Leftover Foreign Currency to the charity of your choice. This is a painless way to provide assistance and put your Leftover Foreign Currency to great use in the community. It’s time to donate the currency you have stored away in a box, bag, vase 😊, desk drawer, suitcase, backpack, etc. Why are you hoarding your Leftover Foreign Currency? “All Currency Is Accepted” regardless of the country of origin, denomination, amount or if it’s in or out of circulation. Don’t delay… Start by donating and then spread the word and let your family, friends, colleagues and neighbours know that “donations of Leftover Foreign Currency can help others”. If you are seeking a charity for your donation, or if your charity of choice is not aware of Foreign Currency Collection Programs, reach out to the team at Global Coin Solutions (GCS) and we’ll ensure that your donation is processed and the funds are provided to assist the charity or non-profit of your choice. Donations can be mailed directly to GCS for processing or drop them off at a foreign Currency Collection location . Did You Know? There are no upfront costs for a charity to receive donations of Leftover Foreign Currency. Be sure to visit the GCS website for more information . After you move your clock ahead, no matter if you cleaned or traveled, by sure to submit your donation and start changing the world, one cent at a time. It’s time to Spring Forward, don’t waste anytime… submit your donation of Leftover Foreign Currency. For more information contact Dennis Ullman, Vice-President (Volunteer) – Innovation and Development, Global Coin Solutions or visit Global Coin Solutions today. GCS is celebrating 9 years of supporting charities throughout North America.
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